Say No to Nail Biting!

Nail biting is one of the so-called “nervous habits” that can be triggered by stress, excitement or boredom. Experts say that about thirty percent of children and fifteen percent of adults are nail biters, however most will stop chewing their nails by the time they turn thirty. Here are four dental and general reasons to…

Exploring Different Retention Options

When the day finally comes for you to get your braces removed at Farrow Orthodontics in Philadelphia, PA the next step is a retainer! Retainers are used to hold the teeth in their new positions, and are either removable or permanent. Removable retainers are fairly easy to use and care for, and they make brushing and flossing…

Maintaining Your Beautiful Smile After Braces

Caring for your smile does not stop when your braces are removed. Retention is a KEY component of orthodontic treatment. Dr. Anthony Farrow and his team at Farrow Orthodontics in Philadelphia, PA, understand that many people do not realize the great importance of wearing retainers. Here are a few things we want our patients to keep…

Dental Health and Oral Piercings

While piercing the tongue, lip or cheek may be attractive to some, we at Farrow Orthodontics in Philadelphia, PA want to enlighten you on the dental health risks associated with oral piercings including infections, gum disease, damage to teeth and difficulties in daily oral functions. Infections. Between the wound created by the piercing, the vast…

Bring in the New Year with a Clean Mouth

Oral health begins with clean teeth. Keeping the area where your teeth meet your gums clean can prevent gum disease, and keeping your tooth surfaces clean can help you avoid cavities. Dr. Anthony Farrow of Farrow Orthodontics offers the following tips to his patients in Philadelphia, PA: Brush your teeth at least twice a day.…