Our Friends and Family Referral Contest

We’re gratified to find how many new patients regularly call on us based on your words of advice.  On July 1st, our new Friends and Family Referral Contest started!  The person who refers the most patients from July 1st though September 30th will win a Samsung Galaxy Tab Tablet 2 (10.1 WiFi 16GB Icecream Sandwich…

How To Chose The Right Orthodontist!

You are about to embark on an orthodontic journey – an exciting time for your family. When you are deciding who should provide treatment, you may want to ask the following questions to be sure that you are being cared for by the right professional: Is the doctor a specialist in orthodontics with 2-3 years…

When should your child first see an Orthodontist?

Many parents don’t think about braces until their children are just on the cusp of adolescence. Orthodontists can spot problems with dental alignment and jaw growth as early as age 7, long before children have their permanent teeth and corrections are more challenging. By age 7, enough permanent teeth are present for an orthodontist to…

One in Five Orthodontic Patients is an Adult

There is nothing worse than feeling self-conscious about your smile, whether it means holding back on a grin when photos are being taken or keeping lips tightly closed during a romantic gaze. Teeth can be moved the same way for a 56 year old as they can for a 13 year old, so braces are…

Orthodontic treatment usually takes ?

Treatment times vary on a case-by-case basis, but the average time is from one to two years. Actual treatment time can be affected by rate of growth and severity of the correction necessary. Treatment length is also dependent upon patient compliance. Maintaining good oral hygiene and keeping regular appointments are important in keeping your treatment…