Did you know that a traditional and delicious Thanksgiving Day meal incorporates all of the necessary nutrients to keep your teeth strong and healthy?
We at Farrow Orthodontics in Philadelphia, PA came up with a brief list of some of our favorite Thanksgiving foods that help to strengthen our teeth:
Turkey is high in phosphorous, which is needed for tooth development. It also rebuilds the hard surface (enamel) of the teeth which are damaged by acid-producing bacteria.
Sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes are richly nutritious with a proper balance of vitamins and nutrients.
Potatoes do not stick to the teeth unlike other starchy foods which serve as a haven for oral bacteria.
Greens and winter vegetables are great sources of vitamins A and C. These prevent soft, bleeding gums and protect against oral cancer.
Cranberries contain flavonoids that can hinder bacteria from sticking to the teeth and forming dental plaque.
Pumpkin pies are a good source of vitamin C, which protects gums, and the calcium needed in the development and re-mineralization of teeth.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Anthony Farrow at 215.247.9060. Happy Thanksgiving!